Seems like i need to get the hang of this blogging, I know I need to try and post everyday. But this condition gives me quite a few uneventful days. So I guess I will just keep writing, and hoping it gets better.
So it's late Saturday night, sunday morning. I have had a few of those,must do days, you know when you don't feel like doing anything, but you know you have to. Although I managed to get out of bed, and even leave the house, I been very slow to move. It's like every step i take, my chest decides to hurt more. I remember when this all started and a doctor, asked me why I was walking so slow, kinda shuffling, I said I didn't know. But it just hurts. Now looking back I can say for sure when costo has flared up fully, it's almost impossible to move.
When Costo does flare its hard on everyone around you, walking home slowly, my son came to meet me and carry my shopping bags (what a star). The bags were not even that heavy, but after a day running around,they felt like I was carrying a bag full of there Iam struggling, if you saw me you could almost feel the pain. Each step so difficult, tears in my eyes, it hurt tons. You coud see my son was really concerned, all he kept doing was saying dad just stop and rest, your over doing it. All I could do was laugh, and say its hurting loads today, because I was not wearing my superman even that laugh hurt.
It's really hard having this condition, with young children, they don't always understand why one day your full of beans and able to do just about anything. Then the next day, I'm so weak. Its hard to understand.
Now here's something of interest, I seem to have put on a bit of weight, it's so funny, because a lot of the time I look like im about to give birth, my stomach just bloats up.i been moaning for ages about it, and finally decided to investigate on first glance I can softly say, I have a problem with my diet, so now we just need to find out what's causing it....I think perhaps wheat, pasta. So I have started a food diary, gonna do it for about a week, and see if there is some reasoning behind this.
So watch this space for more information.